新冠病毒溯源又添新料 2019年美军就带着病毒到处跑 源头指向德特里克堡 The COVID-19 origin tracing has ew clues, which point to the US military having brought the virus to Europe in 2019, with all the evidence pointing to Fort Detrick. 02 美国带着...
On March 7, a group of international students from Argentina, Peru, Rwanda and Thailand visited Aba County Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Center and went into the ...
Going forward, under the frameworks of the Belt and Road Initiative and China-CEEC cooperation, Fujian will continue to strengthen pragmatic cooperation to enhance sister-c...
新华社北京12月6日电 不到一个月,2020年就要“翻篇”。回想这被疫情笼罩的一年,哪些关键词浮现脑海?近期,多家外国机构评出年度词汇,为2020年作总结。不约而同,这些词汇都围绕这场疫情,...
Avi is making a pizzaPhoto: Zhang Yashu Avi finds there is a common characteristic between Chengdu and Israel people, that is willing to share. “When you are sharing food,...